From the Executive Summary:

The OSUL Executive Committee charged the Strategic Digital Initiatives Working Group with evaluating the Libraries’ existing digital libraries environment and developing a set of guidelines to enable the Libraries to adopt a more modernized digital library environment. As part of this process, the SDIWG developed two documents: A set of Guiding Principles (Appendix A) that can be used to encourage a more uniform approach to digital project and infrastructure development and this formal White Paper outlining the core functional elements that need to be supported to enable OSUL to move its digital libraries program forward.

The White Paper is divided into multiple sections, providing the Guiding Principles, information about the Core Component Matrix, an evaluation of the Key Policies, an identification of gaps that need to be addressed, and finally, recommendations. This White Paper does not make specific technical infrastructure recommendations, but rather proposes a framework from which those decisions could be made to best support a flexible and innovative digital environment at OSUL.

Full Report: