Author: Yuchen Li

From Our Shelves: 彝族毕摩经典译注 (Yi zu bi mo jing dian yi zhu)

The Yi people (彝族are one of the major ethnic minorities in mainland China. Data from the 2010 population census (中国 2010 年人口普查数据) conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China (中华人民共和国国家统计局) shows there were around 7.8 million Yi people residing in China, making it the 7th largest ethnic group in the country.

Yi zu bi mo jing dian yi zhu 彝族毕摩经典译  v.73-87

Yi zu bi mo jing dian yi zhu 彝族毕摩经典译 v.73-87

As one of the strategic goals for the Chinese Studies Collections, OSUL has been collecting research materials on the Yi people. We currently have about 282 books on the subject.

One of the featured titles in our collections is the multi-volume set of annotated translated Bimo (毕摩) scripture: 彝族毕摩经典译注(云南民族出版社, 2007). As indicated in the WorldCat catalog, currently only two other libraries in the US has this title.  This 106 volume set covers the religion, social history, politics, economy and many other aspects of the Yi culture.

The following two books in OSUL provide more information on the Bimo religion, as well as the social life and rites of the Yi people.

Other books on the social and cultural aspect of the Yi people:




Van Gulik Rare Chinese Books on Microfiche – Individual Book Titles Cataloged

OSUL’s Collection Description and Access Department’s Non-Roman Cataloging section recently completed a project cataloging all the individual book titles in the Van Gulik’s rare Chinese book collection on microfiche pt.1 and pt.2.1. To see all 249 individual titles, search keywords or series using “Van Gulik collection

大汉学家高罗佩传 Book Cover

大汉学家高罗佩传 Book Cover

Dr.  Robert van Gulik (高罗佩, Gao luo-pei) was born in The Netherlands in 1910. He was a diplomat, writer, and scholar.

According to microfiche catalog guide, Robert van Gulik managed to build a private Chinese collection during his long stay in Asia with the support of his diplomatic status.  His full collection archived at the Sinological Institute of the University of Leiden consists of 2500 book titles in nearly 10000 volumes, and covers fine arts, classical music, literature, and folk novels. Of these titles, 117 folk novels (pt. 1) and 132 books on literature, painting, calligraphy and history (pt. 2.1) can be viewed in the Mircoform Reading Room at Thompson Library.

OSUL record for the microfiche catalogue guide:

Robert van Gulik  earned his reputation among Chinese scholars due to his different approach to popularizing Chinese culture. Below are some OSUL resources on van Gulik’s works and his perspectives on Chinese culture:

Studies and books by van Gulik include:

One of van Gulik’s  works is a series of detective novels named “Judge Dee Mysteries”, of which he borrowed the main character: Judge Dee, from a 18th-century Chinese detective novel “Dee Goong An”(狄公案).

OSUL has much of this mystery fiction written by Robert Van Gulik. Here are a few titles: