The original portion of the building (south side) was completed on February 1, 1960. In 1966 an addition was built on the north side of the building; it was completed by October 1968.

The Board of Trustees originally named the building “Health Center Research Laboratories” in 1959, but voted on September 13, 1963, to change the name to Wiseman Hall.

Bruce Kenneth Wiseman was born in South Bend, Indiana, on March 1, 1896. After graduating from high school, he took a job with the Eli Lilly Company as a chemist. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to pursue a career in medicine.

Wiseman first received a bachelor of science degree in 1926, then a medical degree in 1928, both from Indiana University. After an internship at Indianapolis City Hospital, he landed a position as a researcher in the department of bacteriology and pathology at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. There, he worked with Dr. Charles Doan, who would later serve as director of University Hospital.

At Doan’s request, Wiseman came to Ohio State in 1936 as an associate professor of medicine. The two continued to collaborate on research, particularly in regards to hematological disorders. 

Wiseman later served as a professor of medicine, chairman of the Department of Medicine, and chief of staff of OSU Hospitals. He also was a member of the AMA, OSMA, International Society of Hematology, and several other professional organizations.

Dr. Wiseman died on March 15, 1960.

more information:
John H. Herrick Archives: Wiseman Hall