One of a group of North Dorms officially named on April 6, 1962, in honor of OSU’s war veterans, the building is named for William I. Halloran, an OSU alumnus who lost his life in 1941 in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Built as an all-men’s dorm, construction began in early 1962 and was completed in time for Autumn Quarter 1963, at which time it was dedicated.

Halloran graduated from Ohio State in 1938 with a degree in journalism. He was a member of the Lantern staff, and later worked for the United Press in Columbus and Cleveland. He enlisted in 1940. A Navy destroyer escort also was named in his honor.

Halloran House is one of nine dormitories built on North Campus during the 1960s to honor University graduates and former students who were killed during war service.

more information:
John H. Herrick Archives: Halloran House