From Woody's Couch

Our Playbook on OSU History

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Documenting COVID-19 and the student experience at The Ohio State University

We need your help! The Ohio State University Archives is currently collecting information from current Ohio State students regarding their experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  These unprecedented times have had an enormous impact on student life at the University, and we want to know how they have affected you.

We would like to hear about your experience of transitioning to a virtual learning environment, where you have called ‘home’ during the shelter-in-place orders, and how you have interacted with your fellow students, friends and family during a time of social distancing.

Please note: this survey will close on June 1, 2020.

How you can help:

If you are currently a student at The Ohio State University, you can fill out our Google survey, found here:

Students walking across Oval, 1960s

Here are a few sample questions from our survey:

-How did you learn of the news of the University’s shutdown?

-How has the way you spend your time each day changed since the pandemic?

-What do you miss most about not being on campus this semester?

-Have you been practicing social distancing?

-If you are a senior, how has this affected your plans after graduation?


Frequently Asked Questions: 

Why should I fill out this survey?

By filling out this survey, you will be providing valuable information on your experiences that will provide historically significant information for future researchers.  Your reflections will be important for those in the future who want to know the effect this crisis had on our community.

How will my information be used?

The University Archives may retain your responses for future research, outreach and education, including but not limited to, courses, presentations and exhibits.  The Archives will NOT use your identifying information for these purposes.

Just think, your information could become part of the Ohio State University’s historical record!

Can I remain anonymous?

Yes, you are welcome to answer this survey anonymously, and with as little or as much information as you want to share.

If I provide my contact information, will it remain secure?

Yes, your contact information will not be shared. At the end of the online survey, you will be asked if the University Archives can retain your email address to contact you in the future to participate in an oral history interview, serve on a panel or be contacted by a future researcher.  You can select yes or no.

Who can I contact if I have other questions?

Please reach out to us at: with any questions you may have.

Thank you for helping us preserve our history!


No “Frills” Leadership: Barbara Gibbs Doster

From left to right: Carol Smith, Barbara
Gibbs, Ed Alford, and Jim Allen
hanging decorations.

When Barbara Gibbs started at The Ohio State University’s College of Commerce in 1952, she was captured in a chance photograph of the decorating committee for the White Christmas Celebration in action. The photo was later published in a newsletter for parents of OSU students, invoking an idyllic, almost Norman Rockwell-esque snapshot of 1950’s America. In it, Ed Alford, Chairman of the Decorations Committee, is hanging a wreath on the basketball hoop as three other students assist him: Jim Allen, Carol Smith, and Barbara Gibbs. Yet Alford isn’t the focus of this photo – the photographer instead chose Gibbs, with her jauntily cocked neck scarf, coveted saddle shoes, and immaculately waved hair. She was the perfect visual centerpiece for a photo of collegiate life at OSU, but a mere freshman who’d barely been on campus long enough to join a committee, let alone run one.

Gibbs was going to change that, and she lost no time in starting. In 1952, the only record of her passage on campus was that single photograph of her perched atop a ladder. By the time she graduated in 1956, The Lantern had mentioned her by name over 100 times and she ran for student government, tackling issues like discrimination and mental health in an era when many people still refused to acknowledge them. She was in the women’s class honoraries of Mirrors, Chimes, and Mortar Board, regularly appeared on the honor roll with a 4.0 GPA, and yet still found time to volunteer for political causes and participate in sororities like Delta Delta Delta and Phi Chi Theta. She loved the arts, swimming, and playing bridge, and was involved with the Buckeye Political Party, an organization that dominated campus government from 1953 to 1967. She was also an active member of the College Commerce Council, becoming its secretary during her junior year, and served as the Junior Class Representative for the Women’s Self-Governing Association.

Dad’s Day Committee, 1953

Gibbs, however, wasn’t merely interested in racking up accolades while at Ohio State. She had vision, and while she served on the Student Senate as a freshmen, then a sophomore class secretary, it became apparent that things needed to change. The current Senate was seen mostly as an “activities” committee rather than an actual government, and some students were unhappy with them. There had been concerns about campaigning violations, unattended ballot boxes, and an unclear recount of the votes for the Senate President during the prior year’s elections, and some students felt that the student government made rules, but didn’t follow them. In the midst of this distrust, Gibbs was promoted from the masses of underclassmen secretaries to serve as the main secretary and office manager of the Senate during her Junior year. Gibbs was only the sixth woman to hold this appointment, which had been held by men for the last eight years. When The Lantern interviewed “BG”, as many knew her, about the new promotion, she was amused at the line of the questioning reporter, Ellen Goodman, posed to her. “No, we will not have calico typewriter covers! Our office will be run as an office, and femininity won’t be brought into the picture,” she replied.

Lantern headline. March 9, 1954

Eight months later, The Lantern published a complimentary follow-up piece that noted she had kept her promises, with no “frills” evident in the Student Senate offices. Gibbs explained that the changes she had made to the regular tasks and filing system “have only been effected to improve the efficiency of the office”. Despite the relatively positive tone of the article as a whole however, The Lantern remained optimistically skeptical of her capabilities, describing her as a “woman who has her work cut out for her” and asking her if she’d had any difficulty “taking over an office previously held by men”. Gibbs was positive, responding that she had received “a great deal of cooperation from everyone … everyone’s attitude is just wonderful”. Her term as Senate Secretary went so smoothly that in her senior year, she became the 4th female Senate President, and the first since 1947. As one of her first duties in office, she attended the National Student Association’s Student Body President’s Conference, where she was ultimately elected as the National President of the Big Ten Universities.

Bumper sticker campaign, 1954

In a meeting held on September 30th, 1954, Gibbs addressed the student body in her inaugural speech, stating that the Senate “must become more than an activities committee” and urging her Senators to examine more national, pressing issues such as the welfare of students and discriminatory practices within campus legislation. When a new state tax was proposed on cigarettes to fund a $150,000,000 health bond that would benefit mental health and welfare institutions, Gibbs organized the Senate to rally the support of the student body. She enlisted the help of the Council of Fraternity Presidents and personally helped placed bumper stickers supporting the tax on over 12,000 cars during the Ohio State vs. Illinois football game later that month. In the meantime, Gibbs had another daunting task ahead her: a resolution to campus legislation that if passed, would “remove all restrictive clauses from the charters, bylaws, and constitutions of all campus organizations”. The idea of removing race and religion as discriminatory factors that might exclude students from joining some organizations had been examined previously in 1954, but no real action had been taken by the exploratory committee.

Gibbs wasn’t satisfied. Previously, the resolution had merely been aimed at eliminating race and religious discrimination from private campus clubs, Greek houses, and other organizations at OSU. That was a start, but the new Senate President felt that they needed to take a serious examination of the campus culture as a whole. Instead of merely addressing social clubs and Greek Life, Gibbs wanted the committee to examine and eliminate discrimination from all facets of campus life, including scholarships, housing, student employment, admissions, student teacher training, health and recreational facilities, and physical education. The scope was simultaneously impressive and intimidating, and The Lantern noted that this could either be a new era of effectiveness by the Student Senate or risk bogging down the entire process by widening the resolution so broadly. The end result seems to have been a bit of both, with a January 21st, 1969 article in The Lantern mentioning that the actual outcome of the referendum was never reported on, but had evidently passed, since campus organizations were no longer recognized by the University unless they had non-discriminatory practices clearly established. Unfortunately, the larger aspirations of the referendum remained unresolved, with issues like minority housing and discrimination within the wider campus culture still remaining problematic into the 1970’s and beyond. However, the anti-discrimination policy for clubs, sororities, and fraternities remains in effect today, over 65 years later.

Ultimately, Gibbs called the progress of the Senate discrimination resolution “one of the most important things the Senate has done”. The Lantern agreed with her, noting that while the problems within

Barbara Gibbs, 1954

the Senate couldn’t be fixed in only a year, “the pendulum was swinging towards progress”. Barbara Gibbs – now Doster after her marriage in 1956 – was leaving behind a Senate that was looking forward and starting to truly consider the responsibilities they faced as elected student body representatives. Gibbs remarked in her farewell address that she was satisfied with the visible progress that had been made in the last year, and joked that she regretted that she had left “no frills, curtains, or anything feminine” to mark her term as President. Rather than urging future Senators to follow in the footsteps of her administration blindly, she encouraged them to “originate and make decisions on basic issues rather than carry on what someone else has contrived”.

As The Ohio State University looks back over its century and a half of students, innovations, and progress, arguably the most important thing the University has achieved has been to offer the opportunity for an education to all students, regardless of background, ethnicity, religion, or gender. In this regard, Barbara L. Gibbs was ahead of her time, and an example for future student governments.

Written by Beth Crowner.

Hope and Uncertainty: Celebrating Ohio State’s Centennial in 1970

Alumni magazine cover, July 1970

For many OSU students and alumni, 1970 was a year that constantly brought bad news. The Beatles broke up, the Apollo 13 mission to space almost didn’t make it home again, and President Nixon ordered more US troops into Cambodia in yet another attempt to end the Vietnam War. The Cambodian Campaign sparked protests across the nation on college campuses, including Ohio’s Kent State University, where 4 students were shot by the National Guard on May 4th following several days of protests. In the midst of this emotionally charged atmosphere, the Ohio State University started winding up for the university’s centennial celebration. For some, this was a welcome moment of optimism in an otherwise depressing year, as Marjorie Schwartz, Class of ’45, described in a letter to OSU Monthly’s July issue:

“You will note the date of this letter and understand when I say that along with millions of people I am just a bit depressed and dejected about the tone of the times. This week especially with the Kent State incident and the campus action around the country, I am alternately bewildered, angry, fearful, heartsick, etc. – it boggles the mind…

THEN the [Centennial] Monthly arrived. OHIO STATE LIVES! and the world will be all right after all.”

Centennial Medal, 1970

The university wanted this optimism for the future to be evident throughout the Centennial celebration, and asked celebrated cartoonist and OSU graduate, Milton Caniff, to design a commemorative medal that showcased the future of Ohio State – its students. Richard Mall, Director of Alumni Affairs, suggested to Caniff that instead of campus buildings, the medallion might feature young people, the true “product” of OSU. The medal was then used for several award ceremonies during the Centennial celebration to recognize individuals who had made significant contributions to the university, such as Jesse Owens, Milton Caniff himself, and others. Additionally, OSU awarded 24 honorary degrees and 150 centennial scholarships to students, as well as hosting over 250 different events on campus to celebrate the occasion.

Centennial Cake, 1970

The Centennial logo itself was featured heavily everywhere, including a massive cake that faithfully reproduced the stylized torch in a recipe that called for over two thousand eggs, hundreds of pounds of flour, sugar, butter, and two quarts of vanilla extract. The cake served over 4,000 people at the “Buckeye Centennibration” held at the Ohio Union on January 10th, and the University president, Novice G. Fawcett, crowned the “Centennial Queen”, Christina Lee McClain. Christina, a junior in the Computer Science department, impressed the selection committee with her application, which emphasized the importance of reaching not only the student body and alumni of the University via her position as a University representative, but the larger communities of Columbus and Ohio. Ohio also celebrated the auspicious year statewide by designing and issuing almost six and a half million license plates that featured the iconic shades of scarlet and gray.

Centennial Logo, 1970

Despite the numerous celebrations planned for the centennial year, university leaders such as President Fawcett were concerned with not only the immediate future, but the distant one as well. In a published list of objectives for the next hundred years, 1970-2070, the university stated that its focus must be “to identify major problem areas that make the next century a critical one – problems that must be solved in this century if the viability of civilization is to continue”. Milton Caniff captured this mixture of hope and uncertainty that encapsulated the start of the seventies in a program handed out during OSU’s Centennial Ball, which included a poem he’d written in 1930 as a senior at OSU:

“No class before or since gives hoot that mine marched out to panic’s tune. Depression changed our lives, but talk about it bores, so let it pass away. Important is the fact that Orton’s chimes reached every student ear.”

Though half a century has already passed since OSU’s 100th birthday, the university’s aspirations for a better future remain unchanged, and even in the face of a constantly changing future Buckeyes refuse to settle for simply solving today’s problems. Just as our predecessors did fifty years ago, we look towards a better future: one with OSU’s students at the helm, inspiring a better tomorrow.


Timeline of OSU’s Centennial Year

OSU’s Centennial had hundreds of events throughout 1970, but these were the highlights, focused largely on Spring Quarter:

January 10 – Centennial Year Opening Program at the Ohio Union

February 12-13 – Centennial Symposium at the Mershon Center

March 20-22 – Charter Weekend, the highlight of the year’s many celebrations

March 20 – Centennial Ball

March 21 – Presentation of Centennial Awards

March 21 – Dedication of Thurber Alcove and the Thurber Collection at Thompson Library

April 21-25, April 27-May 2 – Centennial Theatre Production

April 24-25 – Centennial Conference on the Humanities at the Mershon Center

Throughout the year – A traveling exhibit of OSU’s history was displayed in over 50 places across the State of Ohio, highlighting the studies of the university’s freshmen and sophomores.

Written by Beth Crowner.

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