David Abbey Paige (1901-1979)

1901 Born to Armenian parents in the Anatolian region of Eastern Turkey
1911 Arrived in the USA to live with his uncle in Fitchburg, Massachusetts
1919 Taught classes at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
1923-1930 Worked as a successful commercial artist and interior designer in New York City
1930 Created the country’s largest cyclorama at Coney Island, New York, depicting the First Byrd Antarctic Expedition at Little America
1931-1932 Traveled and painted in 28 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East
1933-1935 Joined the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition as the official artist and wintered at Little America
1936-1937 Edited Byrd’s expedition films at Republic Studios, Hollywood, CA, and lectured widely on the expedition
1937-1938 Exhibited his Antarctic sketches, paintings, and pastels in several galleries in California
1942 Joined the US Army Signal Corps and trained cameramen in Louisiana
1943 Worked as a scenic artist for motion picture studios in Hollywood, CA
1947-1970 Worked as a cinematographer for major motions picture studios in Hollywood, CA
1953 Married Lucille Johnson
1957 Son born, David A. Paige, Jr.
1958 Daughter born, Pamela Paige
1979 Died, Beverly Hills, CA