The works created by David Abbey Paige on the Second Byrd Expedition to Antarctica and owned by The Ohio State University, have been published as an exhibition catalog by Reinhard A. Krause and Lars U. Scholl. The book is 126 pages in length and not only includes high quality images of the pastels, but also photographs from the expedition, as well as overview text about BAE II and biographical information about David Paige.

THE MAGIC OF ANTARCTIC COLOURS; David Abbey Paige (1901-1978),  Artist of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, 1933 – 1935
by Reinhard A. Krause and Lars U. Scholl.
Bremen, H.M. Hauschild GmbH, 2004, 126 p.
$29.50 plus tax (if applicable) and shipping
Available from Laura Kissel, Polar Curator, University Archives, The Ohio State University, 2700 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210, 614.688.8173