The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum Receives Gift to Fund a New Education Program

The exterior of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum with blooming trees and purple flowers in the forefront.
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum (BICLM), home to the world's largest collection of cartoons and comics, is excited to announce the launch of its innovative initiative – The Cartoon and Comics Museum Education Program. This new program is designed to harness the museum's extensive resources to engage and inspire younger generations through dynamic and interactive educational experiences.

Generously made possible by an anonymous donor, BICLM's Cartoon and Comics Museum Education Program aims to leverage the museum's unique resources to captivate children, families and educators. The donation will enable BICLM to hire its first dedicated Museum Educator to lead this program.

The program envisions a range of activities that may include interactive exhibit experiences, hands-on workshops, class field trips and comics-focused summer camps. This initiative is inspired by the increasing interest from parents and K-12 educators for educational opportunities centered around comics and cartoons.

"Comics and cartoons possess limitless educational potential, sparking imagination, improving literacy and nurturing artistic skills," said Jenny Robb, Head Curator of Comics and Cartoon Art at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. "Our objective is to offer enriching experiences that complement school art education and extend outreach to historically underserved communities."

Strategically located in the heart of the new The Ohio State University Arts District, BICLM is well-positioned to contribute to an arts ecosystem serving over 70,000 Ohio State students and a community of over two million people. With additional staffing resources, BICLM can become a stronger partner with the world-class education program at the neighboring Wexner Center for the Arts and with Ohio State’s Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy.

The success of this endeavor hinges on the support of generous donors, and BICLM encourages additional investors to join in, further paving the way for a sustainable, enduring museum education program through the establishment of an endowment.

For more information on this program and details on how you can contribute, please visit