162 [page number] 208 [artwork number] [The] Approach to the Bridge. Night June 1913 oil 34 x 44 Color BBG Down Color OOY - RRP Price 1500.00 [illustration on right] Exhibited Montross 1914 Rochester 1914 Chicago Art Inst [institute] 1914 San Diego Ex [exhibition] 1915 [Detroit 1915] [Cincinnati 1915] Los Angeles Circuit 1916 Milch NY [New York] Ex [exhibition] 1917 Newport 1917 McDonell Club 1917 Columbus 1917 Macbeth 1917 Fred Laser Co [company] Brooklyn 1918 Phila [Philadelphia] Art Club 1919 Knoedlers 1919 Dallas Tex [Texas] 1919 Ex. [Exhibited] 1966 - Gallery of Modern Art, N.Y.C. [New York City] Issued Price 8000 Reproduced in Color “Esquire” April 1936 Sold 1960 to Ruxton Love, $7000.00 (Now at Univ. [University] of Wisconsin ‘82) Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Walker