9 [page number] 1918 (Con [continued]) Comm. [commission] Two decorations for Red Cross Return of Peace Hail to Peace # Dureen Bros [brothers] Inc [incorporated] 1000.00 Salary League. 150 Lithos [lithographs] Keppel. 500 Income for year 7630.83 1919 Salary League Jan [January] 150 Lithos [lithographs] Robinson + Brown 26.67 Lithos [lithographs] Keppel 500.00 Lithos [lithographs] Keppel 64.04 Salary League Feb [February] 150 Lithos [lithographs] Del Monte 22.50 National Sold Frames to Jandler 40.00 Sale The Circus Mr Draper Boston # Knoedler 1875 Sale. Polo Crowd Leonard Thomas # Knoedler 2250.00 Salary League March 150 Lithos [lithographs] Albert Roullier 132 Lithos [lithographs] Hill Collection 46.66 Comm. [commission] One drawing Colliers 125 Salary League April 150 Litho [lithographs] Painter Ganes 20 Sale Riverside at Night (Con) # Knoedler. Co [company]