3 [page number] 1912 (Con [continued]) Income for year 1650.00 1913 Comm [commission] Portrait Mrs. Albert Miller Columbus Ohio 800.00 Insurance Hole in “Shore house” Damages, Repainted and cash 325.00 Prize First Hallgarten N.A.D. [National Academy of Design] Queenie 300.00 Comm [commission] Dr. [doctor] Mendenthale Ohio State University 500.00 Sale “Outside the Big Tent” Chas C. Platt NY [New York] 800.00 Pub [publishing] Rights Harpers Weekly 200 Pub [publishing] Rights Harpers Weekly 325.00 for a number of drawings Income Year 3250.00 1914 Comm [commission] Harpers Weekly 150.00 Comm [commission] Harpers Weekly 100.00 Sale. The Palisades to Wm [William] Pardee New Haven Comm [commission] # Montross Gal. [gallery] 600.00 Pub. [publishing] Rights N Y Eve [New York Evening] Post Color Plate Polo Ground 20.00 Prize Maynard Prize Port [portrait] Dr. [doctor] Thompson 100.00 Com. [commission] Harpers Weekly 100.00 Com [commission] Port [portrait] of William Straight