258 [page number] A Boy Portrait of Meredith Hare July 1921 30 x 34 Ex. [exhibition] Montross 1922 Arden Galley 122 Montclair 1922 Carson Pirie + Scott 1922 Rochester Memorial Gallery 1924 Price $[[4]5000] $2500 Rehn Gallery Metropolitan Museum Circuit Rehn Gal. [gallery] 1928 “School Boy” (Meredith Hare) Same painting 30 x 38 1921 $5,000 Allison Gallery 1953-54 [SOLD] Boy in the Tan Collar Meredith Hate 30 x 38 SOLD, 1969 (paid) 1/18/68 TO ART GALLERY OF HAMILTON FOR $10,000