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Lieut. Col. Philip Cochran
1 of 100
[Burma character drawing]
2 of 100
Gay Thirties: "Letters of a Modern Mrs. Rip Van Winkle To Her Husband"
3 of 100
Caniff Still Has Trial on the Brain
4 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Lt. Pat Ryan
5 of 100
Pennies from Heaven---
6 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Could You Recognize One of Gen. Chennault's&
7 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotional advertisement
8 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Grett Murmur
9 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Flip Corkin is a Fabulous Fellow&
10 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Aces-Back to Back
11 of 100
Beware the Dragon Lady!
12 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - This is "Burma"
13 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - There's a Sky Adventure
14 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Flight Officer Terry Lee
15 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Lt. Taffy Tucker
16 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - The Dragon Lady
17 of 100
Chisholm Boot Shops advertisement: "Surely there are prettier girls than I!"
18 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - Col. Flip Corkin
19 of 100
Pennies From Heaven
20 of 100
[Terry and the Pirates Newspaper Promotion Template]
21 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion
22 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion
23 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion
24 of 100
While we're out there what'll you do back here
25 of 100
Adolphe Menjou
26 of 100
Kindred Souls
27 of 100
Nothing Doing
28 of 100
A Sprig of Holly
29 of 100
Needed- A Higher Plane
30 of 100
He'll Have to Change His Ear Trumpet
31 of 100
Why Don't You Clean House?
32 of 100
How Far Are We Looking Ahead
33 of 100
We Are Certainly A Nation of Sound Sleepers
34 of 100
We'd Better Stop Smoking and Go to Work
35 of 100
36 of 100
Every Little Bit Helps
37 of 100
Buckeyes In France
38 of 100
A Very Nervous King Row
39 of 100
The Alternative
40 of 100
Can Thirty Years of Training Like This Be Counteracted?
41 of 100
Ach Gott! Such Fumblers!
42 of 100
The Connecting Strand
43 of 100
We Want To See Our Flag There By The Dawn's Early Light
44 of 100
These Are Anxious Moments for Bill Kaiser
45 of 100
The Great American Eagle Will Be in His Element
46 of 100
The Tie That Binds
47 of 100
Think It Over
48 of 100
Think Before You Kick
49 of 100
A Dream of German Victory
50 of 100
The Training of the World's Greatest Soldier
51 of 100
Food Will Win The War
52 of 100
53 of 100
Divided We Fall
54 of 100
A Troublesome Old Lady
55 of 100
The Cash Customer
56 of 100
The Liberty Motor
57 of 100
German Won't Organize This Outfit in a Day
58 of 100
It Just Can't Be Done
59 of 100
Coming Home to Roost
60 of 100
61 of 100
We Are Awake Now and With Our Answer
62 of 100
When You Find Poison In A Well Quit Drinking the Water
63 of 100
Buck Up and Smile A Little, Uncle!
64 of 100
An Appeal From the Side Tracks
65 of 100
If Public Opinion Could Settle This Matter
66 of 100
These Riverside Seats are Expensive
67 of 100
Uncle Doesn't Seem to Be Fully Awake
68 of 100
Woman's Part
69 of 100
The Modern Minute Man
70 of 100
Just How Much Can He Deliver?
71 of 100
The Nation Calls Again on Ohio
72 of 100
Something that Shouldn't Happen in Dayton
73 of 100
[Magazine cover with Milton Caniff]
74 of 100
Real Life 'Dude Hennick' here [Photograph only]
75 of 100
Emerald Elbert: "Oh Yes a Slight Oversight"
76 of 100
Office of Civilian Defense cartoons - How the Magnesium Bomb Works
77 of 100
Caniff Thinks He's a Scout Again - Making Sketches for the Bretton Woods Conference
78 of 100
Gay Thirties: "Remember When - You First Wore Your Scout Uniform&"
79 of 100
Playtoonlets: "Enter Madame"
80 of 100
Arliss - Actor
81 of 100
Colored "King of Jazz" Coming
82 of 100
Male Call: "Whoops Group"
83 of 100
Terry and the Pirates: "Tomorrow To Fresh Woods, and Pastures New"
84 of 100
The Brothers Go on a Serenade
85 of 100
Office of Civilian Defense cartoons - article and illustrations
86 of 100
The Gay Thirties
87 of 100
"They ordered Dude to check up on Burma's ground defenses!"
88 of 100
Terry and the Pirates: "As It Must to Everyone"
89 of 100
Office of Civilian Defense cartoons - Controlling with Water
90 of 100
Terry and His Pals Strong for Scout Campaign
91 of 100
If Margaret Mitchell drew Terry and the Pirates!
92 of 100
Emerald Elbert: "'S a dirty trick"
93 of 100
Gay Thirties: "Outlay for an Inlay"
94 of 100
Office of Civilian Defense cartoons - Controlling with Sand
95 of 100
Emerald Elbert: "'S a Dirty Trick," "Yea It Was Deep Last Summer," and "Oh Yes a Slight Oversight"
96 of 100
Emerald Elbert: "Yea It Was Deep Last Summer"
97 of 100
Capt. Higgs, Comic Strip Pilot, Warns Japs are Dangerous Enemy [Photograph and article]
98 of 100
Terry and the Pirates promotion - characters
99 of 100
With Caniff at the Trial of Dr. Snook
100 of 100