Additional Resources

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Unless otherwise noted, handouts and templates created by Copyright Services are made available under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Copyright Information. Details and Exceptions.

Recommended Copyright Books and Courses

Want to dive deeper into copyright law? We have many resources throughout our website that will provide you with information on copyright basics and topics including author’s rightsusing materialsfair useopen access, and rights of libraries under §108. In addition to these resources, there are many great copyright books and courses to aid in your learning. Here are some of our suggestions:

For those new to copyright law:

For those wanting a more advanced discussion of copyright law:

The Ohio State University Copyright Directory

The directory below lists the various entities in the libraries and on campus that deal with copyright related issues. Not sure where to start? Feel free to contact us with any questions and we will refer you to the appropriate person as needed.

Copyright at the Libraries

Copyright Services serves as the first point of contact for copyright questions, education, and outreach for The Ohio State University Libraries and the university community at large. Services include: one-on-one consultations, customized presentations and workshops, assistance with copyright permission requests, information on how to register a copyright, and referrals to additional resources.

The Health Sciences Library supports the faculty, staff, and students of The Ohio State University Health Sciences Center through education and guidance on the application of copyright law. Services include: guidance on retaining author rights in publisher negotiations, referrals to the Technology Commercialization Office, advice on seeking permissions, instruction sessions on copyright and fair use in the academic environment, a web-based/interactive fair use checklist to help navigate fair use guidelines, and assistance to health sciences faculty and staff who wish to use the eReserves service or provide access to additional library content via Carmen. 

Interlibrary Services helps navigate copyright issues related to document delivery, borrowing, and lending. This includes the application of fair use in scanning from The Ohio State University Libraries' collections, reviewing ILL requests in accordance with the University Libraries' Interlibrary Loan Copyright Compliance Policy, and restrictions on interlibrary loan when licenses limit our ability to share eJournal and eBook content outside of The Ohio State University.

Publishing and Repository Services acts as the first point of contact for copyright-related questions that arise in connection with Knowledge Bank and other publishing projects. These projects involve a wide variety of copyright issues, including permissions, rights statements, and fair use. Publishing and Repository Services works closely with Copyright Services when new or complex questions arise.

Copyright on Campus

Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) deals with many types of copyright issues from all parts of the university. These include: copyright ownership, fair use, copyright license agreements, software license agreements, registering copyrights, and litigation. OLA also works closely with Copyright Services to provide legal advice and support to the University Libraries.

The Knowlton School of Architecture, Digital Library works with content creators to secure permission to post their original material to the Digital Library and Knowlton School websites. This permission comes in the form of lecture agreements, emails, and online forms. Through the permission process, the Digital Library encourages professors, professionals, and students to consider their own intellectual property, as well as how they use the copyrighted works of others.

The Office of Distance Education and eLearning, Secured Media Library provides authenticated access to copyright restricted digital media and offers an extensive collection of titles for instructional use.  Instructors may also provide personally owned items for temporary class use through the Secured Media Library or request the permanent acquisition of a new title.  These services help course offerings comply with the access and downstream control requirements of the TEACH Act / section 110(2) of U.S. copyright law, though all requirements must be met to rely on this statutory exception.

The Office of Trademark and Licensing Services regulates, promotes, and protects the use of the university’s name and identifying marks, both on and off campus. Reports of possible infringement and requests to license The Ohio State University trademarked or copyrighted materials should be directed to this office.

The Technology Commercialization Office provides assistance to faculty, researchers, students, and clinicians regarding intellectual property protection, commercialization, licensing, and patents.

The Office of the Chief Information Officer provides services to help The Ohio State University faculty, students, and staff use technologies in learning, teaching, research, and administrative settings. The OCIO also works to ensure institutional compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act; any DMCA takedown notices targeting University hosted materials should be referred to this office.

The Ohio State University Press publishes numerous books and serials each year. Requests to license materials published by The Ohio State University Press should be directed to this office; see The Ohio State University Press website for permissions guidelines regarding photocopies for classroom use, library copies, reprints, and other rights.

Other Legal Resources

The American Bar Association maintains a list of pro bono resources pertaining to intellectual property law.

The Columbus Bar Association provides local attorney referral services.

Legal Aid Society of Columbus provide pro bono clinics.