The Forestry Congress at Cincinnati

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper
Case Western Reserve Kelvin Smith Library Collection

The American Forestry Congress held its inaugural convention in April 1882, under the leadership of former physician John A.Warder (1812-1883) of North Bend, Ohio. At that meeting, the American Forestry Congress merged with the American Forestry Association (founded in 1875 with John A. Warder elected as its first president) to further the goal of promoting forestry and the conservation of the nation’s forests. The Congress is also credited with turning the tree-planting activities of Arbor Day on April 27, the last day of the convention, into a popular annual event celebrated ever since. In 1882, an estimated crowd of 25,000 people gathered in Eden Park to witness the planting of memorial trees; the first tree planted was a white oak dedicated to George Washington.