Ohio State University Extension

Ohio State University Extension has, through the years, produced publications that help decision makers, landowners, foresters, and businesses alike understand the values that the forests provide to Ohio’s economy.Extension publications provide current information to growers and landowners on a wide variety of topics related to cultural practices and business operations.

William F. Cowen, James H. Brown and Randall B. Heiligmann
Ohio Christmas Tree Producers Manual (2016)
Ohio State University Extension Bulletin
Courtesy by Ohio State University Extension

T.Davis Sydnor, Kathy L. Smith and Randall B.Heiligmann
Ash Replacements for Urban and Woodland Plantings (2005)
Ohio State University Extension Bulletin
Courtesy by Ohio State University Extension

David K. Apsley and Kathy L. Smith
Leaf Identification Key to Eighty-eight Ohio Trees (2002)
Ohio State University Extension Bulletin
Courtesy by Ohio State University Extension

Publications available for purchase at extensionpubs.osu.edu

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