Dramas are a significant part of culture in South Korea, and have initiated a “Korean Wave”, or “Hallyu”, which is the spread of Korean culture across the globe. From historical and trendy dramas to melodramas, these captivating Korean television programs attract a broad and diverse audience.

OSUL has several books that are either based on dramas or have been turned into dramas.

Books turned into dramas in OSUL:  

마녀유희, 해 를 품은 달 , 압구정다이어리

Covers of 마녀유희, 해 를 품은 달 , 압구정다이어리

  • 해 를 품은 달  (Hae rŭl p’umŭn talby 정은궐(Chŏng, Ŭn-gwŏl) (파란, 2011)
    • This historical drama, which includes elements of fantasy, tells of the love story between a fictional king and a shaman, along with the numerous political conflicts that are encountered along the way.
    •  MBC Link 
  • 마녀유희 (Manyŏ Yu-hŭi) by 김수희 (Kim, Su-hŭi) (눈과마음, 2007)
    • This novel is about the love life of a woman who is often called “witch” by her coworkers.
    • SBS Link
  • 압구정다이어리 (Apkujŏng daiŏriby 정수현 (Chŏng, Su-hyŏn) (소담출판사, 2008)
    • This novel follows the affluent and glamorous lives of the young elite in South Korea. The production of this tvN drama was unfortunately cancelled.

Dramas turned into books in OSUL:

  • 마이 프린세스 (My Princess) by 손현경(Son, Hyŏn-gyŏng) (MBC 프로덕션, 2011)
    • This romantic comedy is about a college student who discovers she is the descendant
      of Emperor Sunjong, who was the last Emperor of Korea, and falls in love with a wealthy businessman.

      Drama Books 2

      Covers of 동이, 마이 프린세스, 선덕 여왕

    • 순종 황제 와 친인척 (Sunjong Hwangje wa ch’ininch’ŏk) by 지두환 (Chi, Tu-hwan) (A biography of Emperor Sunjong available in OSUL)
    •  MBC Link 
  • 선덕 여왕 (Sŏndŏk Yŏwang) by 류 은경 (Yu, Ŭn-gyŏng) (MBC 프로덕션, 2009) This historical drama is very loosely based on the life of Queen Seon Deok.
  • 동이 (Tongi) by 정재인 (Chŏng, Chae-in) (MBC 프로덕션, 2010) This is another historical drama that is loosely based on another famous historical woman figure.
    Drama books 3

    Covers of 인현 왕후 의 男子, 신사 의 품격

  • 인현 왕후 의 男子 : 드라마 대본집 (Inhyŏn Wanghu ŭi namja : tŭrama taebonjipby  송 재정 (Song, Chae-jŏng) (이 퍼블릭, 2012)
    • This item is not a novel, but rather a screenplay of the historical/fantasy drama of the romance between an actress and a time-travelling man of the Joseon Dynasty.
    • tvN Link
  • 신사 의 품격  (Sinsa ŭi p’umkyŏk) by 박민숙  (Pak, Min-suk) (문학 동네, 2012)
    • This drama is about the romantic and professional lives of four men.
    • SBS Link

Book in OSUL about Korean dramas

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