As has been recently communicated, we will be switching out the current staff directory with a new version that has been implemented within the new web site currently at  Here are some highlights of the new version:

  • Universal design.  Designed to look and function well across all devices.  On smaller screens, all of the most highly pertinent information is readily available to users.

Directory view on mobile device.

    Directory on Mobile Device
  • Subject Expertise Filter. Users now have the ability to filter staff by subject expertise.  Currently this is limited to subject areas such as Geology, Anthropology and all other subject areas culled from the Subject Librarian on the current web site. This mapping should be complete at this point.  
    • Future Enhancement: A dedicated subject librarian list. Anticipated deployment: next sprint.
  • Tops of Heads Intact! The new pictures in the staff directory will render the entire image and not cut off the tops of all those smart heads.
  • Integration with Bio Project. Clicking on an employee in the staff directory leads to a bio page where you will soon be able to write your bios and include all of the data pertinent to that initiative.  E.g. Damon Jaggars’ bio page:

    Screenshot of user bio page.

    Sample Bio Page

  • Tightly Coupled with Entire Web site. For content creators of the new web site you will be able to include staff members seamlessly to pages you create, with automatic links being created for their bio pages.  More details to come.

User feedback is one of the keys to our success and our iterative design process.  Please submit any and all feedback about the Directory or any aspects of the current web site.  Help us achieve greater outcomes!!