What was your role on campus at the time:


During the school year 1969-70, where did you live:


Were you a member of any student organization on campus? If so, which one(s)?

Chi Delta Phi (English Honorary), Pi Lambda Theta (Education Honorary)

During the weeks before the university closed, what was the most significant thing you observed?

Military vehicles on the Oval.
Soldiers circling the Oval facing outward.
Tear gas being lobbed across High Street.
Tear gas coming in our apartment.
Lots of screaming and finger-popping at soldiers by students.

What were your impressions of campus during the time period?

Chaos. Danger. Anger.

Did you think the university should be closed? Why or why not?

Yes. Students had died at Kent State University.

What did you do during the two weeks the university was closed?

Stayed home. Took care of my daughter.

Did you return to finish the quarter?


Looking back, what do you think are the lasting legacies of the student demonstrations?

I have told my students (grades 7 through 12) over the years, that students ended the Vietnam War. We ended the war.