Operation Highjump, 1946-47 in the Expeditionary Records

Location Box Folder Folder Description
054-774.21-2 205 7288 Account statements: 1946-49
054-774.21-2 205 7289 Account statements: 1946-49
054-774.21-2 205 7290 Antarctic Development Project, Task Force 68, communications: 1947
054-774.21-2 205 7291 Antarctica Medal bill: 1960
054-774.21-2 205 7292 Applications: 1945-47
054-774.21-2 205 7293 Army Observers' Report of Operation Highjump: 1947
054-774.21-2 205 7294 Bumed News Letter: 1946; Committee on Geographical Exploration: 1947
054-774.21-2 205 7295 Correspondence: 1946-47
054-774.21-2 205 7296 Correspondence: 1946-47
054-774.21-2 205 7297 Correspondence: 1946-47
054-774.21-2 205 7298 Correspondence: 1947
054-774.21-2 205 7299 Cruzen, Richard, Admiral: 1946-47
054-774.21-2 205 7300 Equipment and supplies: 1947; Equipment and supplies, aviation: 1946-47; Financial records: 1939
054-774.21-2 205 7301 Howard, Arthur David, "The Preservation of Antarctic Ice Specimens:" 1948
054-774.21-3 206 7302 Joint Research and Development Board: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7303 Kosco, George F.: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7304 Medals, correspondence, lists: 1947-53
054-774.21-3 206 7305 National Geographic, "Our Navy Explores Antarctica:" 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7306 Operation plan: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7307 "Order of the Penguin" certificate: 1947; Orders for and from Byrd: 1946-47
054-774.21-3 206 7308 Personnel lists, news accounts: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7309 Personnel, praise of: Undated; Press release, seaplane use: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7310 Purpose and value of expedition: 1945
054-774.21-3 206 7311 Radiograms: 1946-47
054-774.21-3 206 7312 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 1: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7313 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 1: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7314 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 1: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7315 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 2: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7316 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 2: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7317 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 3: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7318 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 3: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7319 Report of Operation Highjump, U.S. Navy Antarctic Development Project, Vol. 3: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7320 Service of blessing and dedication, Little America: January 26, 1947; Siple, Paul, assignment to expedition: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7321 South Pole flight: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7322 South Pole flight, chronological report: 1947
054-774.21-3 206 7323 Summary, project information: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7324 Task Force 68, project summary: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7325 Territorial claims resulting from expeditions: 1952
054-774.21-3 206 7326 United States Atlantic Fleet Commander Task Force 68, operation plan: 1946
054-774.21-3 206 7327 United States Atlantic Fleet Commander Task Force 68, operation plan: 1946; Miscellaneous papers: 1946-47