We received from Mirjana Živojinović, President of the Hilandar Committee in Beograd, the latest volume in a series dedicated to the Holy Mountain: Thoughts and Studies, Osma kazivanja o Svetoj Gori (Beograd : Zadužbina Svetog manastira Hilandara ; Društvo prijatelja Svete Gore Atonske, 2012, which contains a dozen articles related to Hilandar Monastery and Mount Athos.

A Word of Greeting from Archimandrite Metodije, abbot of Hilandar Monastery, 11

Introduction, 13-14

Emil Tahiaos, “Духовна порука Свете Горе савременој Европи,” 15-30, abstract in English “The Spiritual Message of Mount Athos to Contemporary Europe,” 341-342, abstract in Greek, 365-366.

Andrej, Bishop of Remesiana, “О православном монаштву на Светој Гори,” 31-49, abstract in English “About Orthodox Christian Monasticism on Mount Athos,” 343-344, abstract in Greek, 367-368.

Bojana Krsmanović, “Оснивање словенских манастира на Светој Гори атонској – сличности и разлике,” 51-75, abstract in English “The Founding of the Slavic Monasteries on Mount Athos – Similarities and Differences,” 345-346, abstract in Greek, 369-371.

Mirjana Živojinović, “Монаси Хиландара у улози дипломата између српског двора и Византије,” 77-96, abstract in English “The Hilandar Monks as Diplomats between the Serbian Court and Byzantium,” 347, abstract in Greek, 372-373.

Srđan Pirivatrić, “Хиладнар и лионска унија,” 97-108, abstract in English “Hilandar and the Union of Lyon,” 349-351, abstract in Greek, 374-377.

Ognjen Krešić, “Пајсије Хиландарски и његова Историја Славјанобугарска,” 109-125, abstract in English “Paisii of Hilandar and his Slavonic-Bulgarian History,” 352, abstract in Greek, 378-379.

Mirko Sajlović, “Сабрана уласка женама на Свету Гору Атонску,” 127-159, abstract in English “The Ban on Women Entering Mount Athos,” 353, abstract in Greek, 380.

Nenad Makuljević, “Унутрашњост католикона манастира Хиландара у новом веку,” 161-203, abstract in English “Interior of the Katholikon of the Monastery of Hilandar in the Modern Age,” 354, abstract in Greek, 381.

Ljiljana Ševo, “Зидно сликарство у параклису Светих апостола у Хиландару,” 205-253, abstract in English, “Wall Painting in the Parakklesion of the Holy Apostles in Hilandar,” 355-356, abstract in Greek, 382-383.

Igor Borozan, “Произвођење традиције: Хиландар и српски монарски крајем 19. века,” 255-303, abstract in English, “Producing Tradition: Hilandar and Serbian Monks at the End of the 19th Century,” 357, abstract in Greek, 384.

Irena Špadijer, “Хиландар и почеци српске књижевности,” 305-318, abstract in English “Hilandar and the Beginnings of Serbian Literature,” 358-359, abstract in Greek, 385-387.

Vesna Peno, “Светогорски појци и писари с почетка XIX века – сатрудници у обликовању музичке реформе,” 319-337, abstract in English “Athonite Chanters and Scribes from the Start of the 19th Century – Collaborators in the Shaping of the Music Reform,” 388-389.