A new feature has been enabled for all Sierra users. Now that Sierra users are being asked to change their password every 180 days, Applications Development and Support has enabled a feature that will remind users when they log into Sierra 10 days prior to their password expiration date to change their password.

After logging in to Sierra, a window will display that looks similar to this:



When users click the ‘Update Now’ button, they will be able to change their password, and will be guided to use appropriate password complexity:

  • No less than 8 characters in length
  • Contain at least one character from each of the following character sets:
    • Uppercase letters:  A-Z
    • Lowercase letters:  a-z
    • Numerals:  0-9
    • Special characters (all keyboard characters including spaces, not defined as letters or numerals): `~!@#$%^*()_-+={}[]\|:;”‘ <>,.?/
  • You may not use an ampersand (&)

Please read Sierra Password Best Practices for more information. If you have any issues with your Sierra password, you can submit a ticket to Hub.