A full bibliographic record can be viewed on OSCAR: b2873894

Table of content – individual title(s) in each volume

(OSU lacks for 第1輯: 無錫縣志, 竹罏圖詠, 愚公谷乘, 秋水文集)
第2輯: 浦舍人詩集, 王舍人詩集, 澹寧居詩集
第3輯: 邵文莊公年譜, 樂阜山堂稿
第4輯: 高子遺書節鈔, 高忠憲公年譜, 錫山補誌


(OSU lacks for Di 1 ji: Wuxi xian ji, Zhu lu tu yong, Yu gong Gu cheng, Qiu shui wen ji)
di 2 ji: Pu she ren shi ji, Wang she ren shi ji, Tan ning ju shi ji
di 3 ji: Shao Wenzhuang gong nian pu, Yue fu shan tang gao
di 4 ji: Gaozi yi shu jie chao, Gong Zhongxian gong nian pu, Xishan bu zhi.